Thursday, July 23, 2009

...Through My RANDOM Thoughts

Its thunderous and exhilarating. Rushing, reaching, searching, discovering, learning, fighting, hurting, growing,

Its vastly unfair to have so much available to us in this world and have less than 100 years to attempt to see, learn and experience it all.

I once read a quote that said, "I'm right at that age where I'm old enough to know better but still young enough not to care." I want to always have that mentality. I always want to have the vision of a child. Children, to me, are genius in its purest form. They know how to see something for what it really is, at its core, without being distracted by the surrounding toxins that skew the truth of the matter at hand. We lose this as the shell of our innocence begins to break; be it by force, experience or simply growth.

I'm too young to already believe that youth is wasted on the young. I'm also WAY too young to feel as old as I do sometimes. And I am muchmuchmuch too young to have to "get prepared" to say goodbye to my Daddy. His life is just going to be too damn short. I pray that he will be able to hold and kiss his grandchildren in heaven as God sends them down to me. I pray that there really are holes in the floor of Heaven so he can watch my brothers and I be the absolute best we can be in his memory.

I feel as though, right now, my purpose is to experience. To lay my six senses on every aspect I can reach that life has to offer and learn from it. There is SO much going on around me and in me that I think God has put me, myself and I on pause so I don't get too dizzy. He has already caught me before I even fell. I don't much enjoy pause though. Pause tends to force one to reflect: on self, others, family, thoughts, emotions, feelings, choices, motives, desires, morals, beliefs, faith. Pause tends to hurt but one always seems to be stronger, balanced, all-around better and have stamina for a gallop, after a good long God-Pause.
He seems to be working on something in my life; I sense a change in the works and I hear His voice in the wind, but I'm getting antsy.

Some believe it would be best to stroll through life, slowly and steadily, to make sure we absorb as much as is possible. I guess that's something to consider, but I'm only able to get a good whip of the wind through my hair when I gallop.

1 comment:

  1. Great first post. I love you so much. Sometimes I wish I could have a God-Pause, but at the same time, I'm welcoming the continuing steadiness that is the "trial after trial."

    Can you change your font color though? It's painful to look at. Something more muted, like a beige or one of the muted blues if you insist on blue. I love you though!
